The RBQ-2A tests one of the core diagnostic criteria for autism, restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs). It differentiates autism and neurotypical individuals; those with an autism diagnosis score significantly higher on the test.

The test alone cannot diagnose autism. The RBQ-2A tests a core symptom of autism, but repetitive behaviours may also be associated with conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Parkinson’s disease and Tourette’s syndrome.

RBQ-2A Questionnaire

Read each question carefully and choose the answer you feel is most representative. There are no right or wrong answers, or trick questions.

  • Q1. Do you like to arrange items in rows or patterns?
    1.  Never or rarely
    2.  One or more time/s daily
    3.  15 or more times daily
  • Q2. Do you repetitively fiddle with items? (e.g. spin, twiddle, bang, tap, twist, or flick anything repeatedly?)
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  One or more time/s daily
    3.  15 or more times daily
  • Q3. Do you like to spin yourself around and around?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  One or more time/s daily
    3.  15 or more times daily
  • Q4. Do you rock backwards and forwards, or side to side, either when sitting or when standing?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  One or more time/s daily
    3.  15 or more times daily
  • Q5. Do you pace or move around repetitively (e.g. walk to and fro across a room, or around the same path in the garden?)
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  One or more time/s daily
    3.  15 or more times daily
  • Q6. Do you make repetitive hand and/or finger movements? (e.g. flap, wave, or flick your hands or fingers repetitively?)
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q7. Do you have a fascination with specific objects (e.g. trains, road signs, or other things?)
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q8. Do you like to look at objects from particular or unusual angles?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q9. Do you have a special interest in the smell of people or objects?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q10. Do you have a special interest in the feel of different surfaces?
    1.  Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q11. Do you have any special objects you like to carry around?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q12. Do you collect or hoard items of any sort?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional
    3.  Marked or notable
  • Q13. Do you insist on things at home remaining the same? (e.g. furniture staying in the same place, things being kept in certain places, or arranged in certain ways?)
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
    3.  Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)
  • Q14. Do you get upset about minor changes to objects (e.g. flecks of dirt on your clothes, minor scratches on objects?)
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
    3.  Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)
  • Q15. Do you insist that aspects of daily routine must remain the same?
    1.  Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
    3.  Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)
  • Q16. Do you insist on doing things in a certain way or re-doing things until they ‘‘just right’’?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (does not affect others)
    3.  Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)
  • Q17. Do you play the same music, game or video, or read the same book repeatedly?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (not entirely resistant to change or new things)
    3. Marked or notable (occasionally affects others)
  • Q18. Do you insist on wearing the same clothes or refuse to wear new clothes?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (not entirely resistant to change or new things)
    3.  Marked or notable (will tolerate changes when necessary)
  • Q19. Do you insist on eating the same foods, or a very small range of foods, at every meal?
    1. Never or rarely
    2.  Mild or occasional (not entirely resistant to change or new things)
    3.  Marked or notable (will tolerate changes when necessary)
  • Q20. What sort of activity will you choose if you are left to occupy yourself?
    1. A range of different and flexible self-chosen activities
    2.  Some varied and flexible interests but commonly choose the same activities
    3.  Almost always choose from a restricted range of repetitive activities

Answer Key:

  • Count how many questions you answered #3 to, then multiply that number by 3.
  • Count how many questions you answered #2 to, then multiply that number by 2.
  • Count how many questions you answered #1 to, then multiply that number by 1.
  • Total score = Add the 3 numbers above together.


  • Scoring range: 20–60
  • Threshold score: 26
    • 36 average autistic score
    • 25 non-autistic score

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